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cafe paco

TOP: YES4FUTURE Training Program for TeachersBackground

Background PB implemented many activities related to Palestine like holding lecture meetings in Hiroshima, Japan. In 2010, PB also conducted field research on daily life of Palestinian youth, and applicability of expressional education for them. Based on the findings of the research, PB implements this program with "Yes Theatre", Palestinian NGO, as local counterpart.

  • Awareness raising (since 2009)
    PB have organized study sessions and public lectures, in order to raise awareness of the citizens in Hiroshima about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and human rights violations reported as the consequence of the conflict.

    Some of the activities are:

    *Workshop of Arabic literature, which purpose is to know real image of Palestinians which is different to the stereotypical image of Palestinians in the media coverage as dangerous people

    * Public Lecture with a clergyperson in Bethlehem, Palestine, who work enthusiastically for community development (lecture via Skype)

    *Invitation of "Cafe Middle East" event in Hiroshima, hosted by Ms. Keiko Sakai, Professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, which purpose is to promote proper understanding of the Middle East

  • In 2010: Field survey in Palestine
    As a step to build on achievements by previous indirect support and move forward toward direct support, PB staff members visited Palestine, and conducted "Needs Assessment of the Youth and Children and Field Survey of the Theatrical Group in the local communities in the West Bank".

    In protracted conflicts like Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is very important to support healthy development of the youth because they will become founders of the peaceful Palestinian society in near future. However, marred by the lack of freedom of movement and meaningful jobs, and political uncertainty throughout their lives, Palestinian youth are always stressed out, feeling helpless against terrible status quo. This psychological unstableness is pointed as one of the reasons the youth get involved in radical activities.

    PB believes expressional education, which attracts more and more attention recently throughout the world, is the good way to reduce, or transfer, psychological stress of the youth. In expressional education, participants can develop their ability of communication and mutual understanding through sharing their way of self-expression with others. Expressional education is a tested methods in the field of peacebuilding efforts in other conflict area; in Iraq, for example, drama and drawings is used as a tool to provide psychological care for refugees in Iraq.

    PB conducted field research in the West Bank on needs assessment and feasibility for program to support youth, using expressional education as its tool.

  • In 2012: Start implementation of the program
    Field research conducted in 2010 concluded that there is a need for expressional education in the West Bank as a way to reduce stress of the youth and children. The survey also recommended "Yes Theatre", local drama performance group, as potential local counterpart for the program.

    One of the challenges which were indicated in the research was how to ensure impact of the program throughout the Hebron Governorate, the largest one in the West Bank. Therefore, PB decided target of the workshops of expressional education and drama therapy as teachers, social workers and staff members of Community Based Organizations from different places in the Governorate, who directly communicate with youth and children. By so doing, PB will ensure sustainable support children throughout Hebron area to whom in need.