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cafe paco
Fair Trade

@Building a society with efairnessf is fundamental for world peace. We carry out various projects for deeper understanding and better recognition of efair tradef

- 2007 Activities-

eMaraba Coffee (Cafe de Maraba)f, specialty coffee from Rwanda -Import and sale project-

  • Starting Up the Fair Trade Cafe
  • PB opened up a fair trade cafe within the PB office located in Hiroshima City. Cafe was opened to promote the concept of gfair trade,h develop potential supporters interested in the international cooperation, exchange information, fundraise, and to support coffee farmers. Cafe can also be used as a community space.

    Cafe was able to make 900,000 Japanese Yen between September to March, which is actually a deficit considering the cost needed to open up the cafe, however. Considering high media attention, warm support from people, and also numerous opportunities for people to be exposed to issues ranging from fair trade, international cooperation, peacebuilding. and Africa, its first year was rather successful.

  • Fair Trade Sales
  • Cooperating with other NGOs based in Hiroshima who do not have store on their own to sell products and also People Tree (a fair trade company), PB is using a part of the fair trade cafe to sell fair trade goods. PB also exchanges information and conduct exchange of people with other organization.

  • Assisting the Coffee Farmers
  • To bring back some revenues of the fair trade cafe ran by PB, PB staff paid a courtesy visit to the cooperative in Rwanda to seek possibilities of this cooperation. After consultation, PB has decided to promote Cafe Maraba in order to meet their needs.

  • Assisting the Coffee Farmers
  • To bring back some revenues of the fair trade cafe ran by PB, PB staff paid a courtesy visit to the cooperative in Rwanda to seek possibilities of this cooperation. After consultation, PB has decided to promote Cafe Maraba in order to meet their needs.

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